Android SDK

This page explains how to use App2App Android SDK to use Klip on your BApp.


  • API 16: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higer

  • Java 8 or higher

  • Android Studio 3.0.0 or higher

  • Android Permission: Internet Permission

Environment Setup

Klip JavaScript SDK doesn't require a separate registration process and works in any environments where HTTP communication is possible. But since user's consent is received using Klip located in the More[…] tab in the mobile app KakaoTalk, you need to have KakaoTalk installed to make the requests.

You can find a guide for executing Klip Android SDK Sample App in

1. Download Klip SDK

Download Klip Android SDK in Download.

2. Add Klip SDK Library

Option 1. Build Klip SDK and add to your project

  1. Run Terminal at the location of downloaded Klip SDK project

  2. Run the command ./gradlew :sdk:build and build Klip SDK project (When building is complete, an AAR file is created at /sdk/build/outputs/aar/)

  3. Create a libs directory in the project

  4. Copy the built AAR file to the project's libs directory

  5. Add directory reference and dependency to the project's build.gradle

repositories {
  flatDir {
    dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
  // Klip SDK  
  implementation 'com.klipwallet.app2app:klip-a2a-sdk-android_release_v2.0.0:2.0.0@aar'

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](

Option 2. Import Klip SDK source code and add to your project

  1. Run the project in Android Studio

  2. Android Studio > File > New > Import Module

  3. Select the sdk directory in the Klip SDK project downloaded in the Source Directory, and click Next

  4. Copy in the Klip SDK project to your project

  5. Add the dependency setting in build.gradle of your project

dependencies {
  // Klip SDK  
  implementation project(path: ':sdk')

Once the Klip SDK source is copied to your project, you can modify the library code yourself. This may not be a suitable option if you want to maintain single version library code. In this case, add the compiled AAR file as directed in Option 1.

3. Add Permission

In order to enable HTTP communication on Klip SDK, add android.permission.INTERNET in the AndroidManifest.xml file as shown below:

<manifest ...>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](



App2App API requests are made in the order: prepare, request, and getResult.

  • prepare is the step in which requests (from of a total of five) are defined

  • request is the step in which the function is called and the signing takes place on Klip

  • getResult is the step in which the result is returned from the function call

In addition, getCardList is a function provided for the convenience of BApp developers that returns a list of NFTs of a Klip user. If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our Developer Forum.


Creates an instance to use Klip SDK.


Return Value


public class SampleActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Klip klip = Klip.getInstance(this);

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


Prepares to process an App2App API request and issues a request key.

Request Objects

  • Connecting Klip(=authentication) AuthRequest

  • Sending KLAY KlayTxRequest

  • Sending Token TokenTxRequest

  • Sending Card CardTxRequest

  • Executing Contract ContractTxRequest



Requesting consent to Klip users will return the data entered in request and bappInfo. The request key returned in the response serves as a key when requesting transactions to users, and is used with KlipSDK.shared.getResult and KlipSDK.shared.request.

Example 1. Obtaining User Information

// Obtaining user information
AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest();

// BApp information
BAppInfo bappInfo = new BAppInfo("BApp Name");

// Response result Callback
KlipCallback callback = new KlipCallback<KlipTxResponse>() {
  @Override public void onSuccess(final KlipTxResponse res) {}
  @Override public void onFail(final KlipErrorResponse res) {}

klip.prepare(req, bappInfo, callback);

Example 2. Sending KLAY

// Transaction request for sending KLAY
KlayTxRequest req = new KlayTxRequest.Builder()
  .to("0x..receiver address..")
klip.prepare(req, bappInfo, callback); // bappInfo, callback (example 1 참고)

Example 3. Sending Tokens

// Transaction request for sending tokens
TokenTxRequest req = new TokenTxRequest.Builder()
  .contract("0x..token contract address..")
  .to("0x..receiver address..")
klip.prepare(req, bappInfo, callback); // bappInfo, callback (example 1 참고)

Example 4. Sending Card

// Transaction request for sending Card
CardTxRequest req = new CardTxRequest.Builder()
  .contract("0x..card contract address..")
  .to("0x..receiver address..")
klip.prepare(req, bappInfo, callback); // bappInfo, callback (example 1 참고)

Example 5. Executing Contract

// Transaction request for executing contract
ContractTxRequest req = new ContractTxRequest.Builder()
  .to("0x..contract address..")
  .abi("{..contract abi..}")
  .params(new ArrayList<Object>(){
    // contract parameters
klip.prepare(req, bappInfo, callback); // bappInfo, callback (refer to example 1)

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


Requests authentification or signature using deep link. If the device doesn't have KakaoTalk installed, or the version of the installed KakaoTalk doesn't support Klip, it redirects automatically to the download page on Google Play. To implement the request step using QR code, please refer to QR Code Tutorial.





If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


Returns the result of an App2App API request.




KlipCallback callback = new KlipCallback<KlipTxResponse>() {
  @Override public void onSuccess(final KlipTxResponse res) {}
  @Override public void onFail(final KlipErrorResponse res) {}

Klip klip = Klip.getInstance();
klip.getResult(requestKey, callback)

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


Returns a list of certain Cards of a user.




KlipCallback callback = new KlipCallback<KlipCardListResponse>() {
  @Override public void onSuccess(final KlipCardListResponse res) {}
  @Override public void onFail(final KlipErrorResponse res) {}

Klip klip = Klip.getInstance();
klip.getCardList("0x..card address..",
  "0x..user address..",

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](

Error Code

You can see the error code via getErrorCode() in KlipErrorResponse, which is the fail response of KlipCallback.

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](

Last updated