JavaScript SDK

This page explains how to use App2App JavaScript SDK to use Klip with your BApp.


  • (When using npm) node 10 or higher

Environment Setup

Klip JavaScript SDK doesn't require a separate registration process and works in any environments where HTTP communication is possible. But since user's consent is received using Klip located in the More[…] tab in the mobile app KakaoTalk, you need to have KakaoTalk installed to make the requests.

When using npm

Install using the npm install klip-sdk or yarn add klip-sdk command. It should be imported as an ES module as shown below:

import { prepare, request, getResult, getCardList } from 'klip-sdk'

When downloading the file directly

Download Klip JavaScript SDK in the Download tab. Place the file in the repository and insert a script tag in the HTML file as shown below:

<script src="./lib/klipSDK-2.0.0.min.js"></script>

Access each method using the klipSDK variable declared in the global namespace.




App2App API requests are made in the order: prepare, request, and getResult.

  • prepare is the step in which requests (from of a total of five) are defined

  • request is the step in which the function is called and the signing takes place on Klip

  • getResult is the step in which the result is returned from the function call

In addition, getCardList is a function for the convenience of BApp developers that returns a list of NFTs of Klip users. If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our Developer Forum.


Prepares a App2App API request and obtains a request key.


Obtains user information.



const bappName = 'my app'
const successLink = 'myApp://...'
const failLink = 'myApp://...'
const res = await prepare.auth({ bappName, successLink, failLink })
if (res.err) {
  // Handle error
} else if (res.request_key) {
  // Store request_key

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


A request to send a user's KLAY to a certain address.



const bappName = 'my app'
const from = '0xB21F0285d27beb2373EC...'
const to = '0xD8b1dC332...'
const amount = '13.2'
const successLink = 'myApp://...'
const failLink = 'myApp://...'
const res = await prepare.sendKLAY({ bappName, from, to, amount, successLink, failLink })
if (res.err) {
  // Handle error
} else if (res.request_key) {
  // Store request_key

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


A request to send a user's tokens to a certain address.



const bappName = 'my app'
const from = '0xB21F0285d27beb2373EC...'
const to = '0xD8b1dC332...'
const amount = '10.123'
const contract = '0x813FB7677BbBAA...'
const successLink = 'myApp://...'
const failLink = 'myApp://...'
const res = await prepare.sendToken({ bappName, from, to, amount, contract, successLink, failLink })
if (res.err) {
  // Handle error
} else if (res.request_key) {
  // Store request_key

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


A request to send a user's NFT to a certain address.



const res = await prepare.sendCard({ bappName, from, to, id, contract, successLink, failLink })
if (res.err) {
} else {

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


A request for the user to execute the functino of a certain contract.



const bappName = 'my app'
const from = '0xB21F0285d27beb2373EC...'
const to = '0xD8b1dC332...'
const value = '800000000'
const abi = "{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"tokenId\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"name\":\"buyCard\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":true,\"stateMutability\":\"payable\",\"type\":\"function\"}"
const params =  "[\"2829\"]"
const successLink = 'myApp://...'
const failLink = 'myApp://...'
const res = await prepare.executeContract({ bappName, from, to, value, abi, params, successLink, failLink })
if (res.err) {
  // Handle error
} else if (res.request_key) {
  // Store request_key 

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](

Klip request

Request authentification or signature using deep link. If the device doesn't have KakaoTalk installed, or the version of the installed KakaoTalk doesn't support Klip, it redirects automatically to the download page on Google Play. You need to pass the request key obtained during the prepare step as a parameter. To implement the request step using QR code, please refer to QR Code Tutorial.



request('b37f873d-32ce-4d5d-b72e-08d528e7fb8e', () => alert('Please execute in a mobile environment'))

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


Returns the response of an App2App API request.




If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](


Returns a list of a user's Cards (NFTs). You have to know the contract address of the NFTs that you want to return. It must be a contract supported on Klip.



const contract = '0xB21F0285d27beb2373EC...'
const eoa = '0xD8b1dC332...'
const cursor = ''
getCardList({ contract, eoa, cursor })

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](

Error Code

If you need help with this document or Klip in general, please visit our [Developer Forum](

Last updated